Source code for odynn.utils

.. module:: utils
    :synopsis: Module for plots, paths and saving files

.. moduleauthor:: Marc Javin
import numpy as np
import os
import pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns

COLORS = np.array([ 'k', 'c', 'Gold', 'Darkred', 'b', 'Orange', 'm', 'Lime', 'Salmon', 'Indigo', 'DarkGrey', 'Crimson', 'Olive'])

RES_DIR = 'results/'
IMG_DIR = 'img/'
NEUR_DIR = 'neurons/'
SYN_DIR = 'synapses/'
TMP_DIR = 'tmp/'
_current_dir = RES_DIR
OUT_PARAMS = 'params'
OUT_SETTINGS = 'settings'
REGEX_VARS = '(.*) : (.*)'

[docs]class classproperty(object): def __init__(self, fget): self.fget = fget def __get__(self, owner_self, owner_cls): return self.fget(owner_cls)
[docs]def set_dir(subdir): """Set directory for saving files to `utils.RES_DIR`+`subdir` and create subfolders Args: subdir(str): name of the directory Returns: str: complete path to the new directory """ global _current_dir _current_dir = RES_DIR + subdir + '/' if not os.path.exists(_current_dir): os.makedirs(_current_dir) for sd in subdirs: if not os.path.exists(_current_dir + sd): os.makedirs(_current_dir + sd) return _current_dir
[docs]def save_show(show, save, name='', dpi=500): """ Show and/or save the current plot in `utils.current_dir`/`name` Args: show(bool): If True, show the plot save(bool): If True, save the plot name(str): Name for the saved file dpi(int): quality """ global _current_dir if (save): plt.savefig('{}{}.png'.format(_current_dir,name), format='png', dpi=dpi) if (show): plt.close()
[docs]def bar(ax, var, good_val=None): sns.barplot(x=np.arange(len(var)), y=var, ax=ax) if good_val is not None: ax.axhline(y=good_val, color='r', label='target value') ax.set_xticks([])
[docs]def plot(ax, var, good_val=None): ax.plot(var, linewidth=0.5) if good_val is not None: ax.axhline(y=good_val, color='r', label='target value')
[docs]def boxplot(ax, var): ax.boxplot(var, vert=True, showmeans=True)
[docs]def box(df, cols, labels): lighter = [colorscale(c, 0.6) for c in cols] sns.boxplot(data=df[labels], palette = lighter) sns.swarmplot(data=df[labels], palette=cols, size=2)
# from odynn.models.cfg_model import NEURON_MODEL # import pandas as pd # dd = pd.DataFrame(NEURON_MODEL.default_params, index=[0]) # sns.swarmplot(data=dd[labels], color='r', edgecolor='#ffffff', marker='*', linewidth=1, size=20)
[docs]def clamp(val, minimum=0, maximum=255): """ Clamp `val` between `minimum` and `maximum` Args: val(float): value to clamp minimum(int): minimum maximum(int): maximum Returns: int: clamped value """ if val < minimum: return minimum if val > maximum: return maximum return int(val)
[docs]def colorscale(hexstr, scalefactor): """ Scales a hex string by ``scalefactor``. Returns scaled hex string. """ hexstr = hexstr.strip('#') if scalefactor < 0 or len(hexstr) != 6: return hexstr r, g, b = int(hexstr[:2], 16), int(hexstr[2:4], 16), int(hexstr[4:], 16) r = clamp(r * scalefactor) g = clamp(g * scalefactor) b = clamp(b * scalefactor) return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (r, g, b)