Source code for odynn.noptim

.. module:: neuropt
    :synopsis: Module for optimizing neurons

.. moduleauthor:: Marc Javin

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from .neuron import BioNeuronTf, NeuronTf
from .optim import Optimizer

[docs]class NeuronOpt(Optimizer): """Class for optimization of a neuron"""
[docs] def __init__(self, neuron): """ Initializer, takes a NeuronTf object as argument Args: neuron(:obj:`NeuronTf`): Neuron to be optimized """ self.neuron = neuron if not isinstance(neuron, NeuronTf): raise TypeError('The neuron attribute should be a NeuronTf instance') Optimizer.__init__(self, self.neuron)
def _build_loss(self, results, ys_, w): """Define self._loss Args: w(list): weights for the voltage and the ions concentrations """ if self._parallel > 1: # [time, state, batch, model] res = tf.transpose(results, perm=[3, 0, 1, 2]) else: res = results with tf.variable_scope('Loss'): out = res[..., self.neuron.V_pos, :] losses_v = w[0] * tf.square(tf.subtract(out, ys_[0])) losses = losses_v for ion, pos in self.neuron.ions.items(): ionc = res[..., pos, :] losses += w[pos] * tf.square(tf.subtract(ionc, ys_[pos])) # losses = tf.nn.moments(losses, axes=[-1])[1] + tf.reduce_mean(losses, axis=[-1]) self._loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses, axis=[-2, -1]) # print(self.loss) # self.loss = self.loss[tf.random_uniform([1], 0, self.n_batch, dtype=tf.int32)[0]] # tf.reduce_mean(losses, axis=[0, 1])
[docs] def plot_out(self, X, results, res_targ, suffix, step, name, i): for b in range(self.n_batch): res_t = [res_targ[i][:, b] if res_targ[i] is not None else None for i in range(len(res_targ))] self.neuron.plot_output(self.neuron.dt*np.arange(len(X)), X[:, b], results[:, :, b], res_t, suffix='%s_%s%s_%s_%s' % (suffix, name, b, step, i + 1), show=False, save=True, l=0.7, lt=2)
[docs] def optimize(self, dir, train, test=None, w=(1, 0), epochs=700, l_rate=(0.1, 9, 0.92), suffix='', step=None, reload=False, reload_dir=None, evol_var=True, plot=True): """Optimize the neuron parameters Args: dir(str): path to the directory for the saved files train(list of ndarray): list containing [time, input, voltage, ion_concentration] that will be used fitted dimensions : - time : [time] - input, voltage and concentration : [time, batch] test(list of ndarray): same as train for the dimensions These arrays will be used fo testing the model (Default value = None) w(list): list of weights for the loss, the first value is for the voltage and the following ones for the ion concentrations defined in the model. (Default value = [1, 0]: epochs(int): Number of training steps (Default value = 700) l_rate(tuple): Parameters for an exponential decreasing learning rate : (start, number of constant steps, exponent) (Default value = [0.1, 9, 0.92]: suffix(str): suffix for the saved files (Default value = '') step: (Default value = None) reload(bool): If True, will reload the graph saved in reload_dir (Default value = False) reload_dir(str): The path to the directory of the experience to reload (Default value = None) Returns: :obj:`NeuronTf`: neuron attribute after optimization """ if self.optimized.groups != None and self.optimized.num > 1: return yshape = [None, None] Optimizer.optimize(self, dir, train, test, w, epochs, l_rate, suffix, step, reload, reload_dir, yshape=yshape, evol_var=evol_var, plot=plot)