Source code for odynn.models.leakint

.. module:: 
    :synopsis: Module doing stuff...

.. moduleauthor:: Marc Javin

from .model import BioNeuron
from odynn import utils
from pylab import plt
import random
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

# Class for our new model
[docs]class LeakyIntegrate(BioNeuron): default_params = {'C_m': 1., 'g_L': 0.1, 'E_L': -60.} # Initial value for the voltage default_init_state = np.array([-60.]) _constraints_dic = {'C_m': [0.5, 40.], 'g_L': [1e-9, 10.]} def __init__(self, init_p, tensors=False, dt=0.1): BioNeuron.__init__(self, init_p=init_p, tensors=tensors, dt=dt) def _i_L(self, V): return self._param['g_L'] * (self._param['E_L'] - V)
[docs] def step(self, X, i_inj): # Update the voltage V = X[0] V = (V * (self._param['C_m'] / self.dt) + (i_inj + self._param['g_L'] * self._param['E_L'])) /\ ((self._param['C_m'] / self.dt) + self._param['g_L']) # V = V + self.dt*(i_inj + self._i_L(V))/self._param['C_m'] if self._tensors: return tf.stack([V]) else: return np.array([V])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random(): # Useful later return {'C_m': random.uniform(0.5, 40.), 'g_L': random.uniform(1e-5, 10.), 'E_L': random.uniform(-70., -45.)}
[docs] def plot_results(self, ts, i_inj_values, X, ca_true=None, suffix="", show=True, save=False): V = X[:,0] il = self._i_L(V) plt.figure() plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) plt.plot(ts, V, 'k') plt.title('Leaky Integrator Neuron') plt.ylabel('V (mV)') plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) plt.plot(ts, il, 'g', label='$I_{L}$') plt.ylabel('Current') plt.legend() plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) plt.plot(ts, i_inj_values, 'b') plt.xlabel('t (ms)') plt.ylabel('$I_{inj}$ ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)') # plt.ylim(-1, 40) utils.save_show(show, save, name='Results_{}'.format(suffix), dpi=300)