Source code for odynn.models.celeg

.. module:: hhmodel
    :synopsis: Module defining a self for C. elegans neurons

.. moduleauthor:: Marc Javin

import numpy as np
import random

import pylab as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import tensorflow as tf
from matplotlib import gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
import collections

from odynn.utils import box
from odynn import utils
from . import model
from pylab import plt

RATE_COLORS = {'p' : '#00ccff',
               'q' : '#0000ff',
               'n' : '#cc00ff',
               'e' : '#b30000',
               'f' : '#ff9900',
               'h' : '#ff1a1a'
RATE_COLORS = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(RATE_COLORS.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
GATES = ['e', 'f', 'n', 'p', 'q']
CONDS = ['g_Ks', 'g_Kf', 'g_Ca', 'g_L']
MEMB = ['C_m', 'E_K', 'E_Ca', 'E_L']

REST_CA = 0.
    'i': 0,
    'V': -60.,
    'p': 0.,
    'q': 0.95,
    'n': 0.,
    'e': 0.,
    'f': 1.,
    'h': 0.,
    'cac': 1.e-7
INIT_STATE = np.array([INITS[p] for p in ['V', 'p', 'q', 'n', 'e', 'f', 'cac']])
INIT_STATE_ica = [INITS[p] for p in ['i', 'e', 'f', 'h', 'cac']]
INIT_STATE_ik = [INITS[p] for p in ['i', 'p', 'q', 'n']]

MIN_TAU = 1.
MAX_TAU = 1000.
MAX_G = 10.
MAX_SCALE = 200.
MIN_MDP = -50.
MAX_MDP = 50.

[docs]def give_rand(): rand_par = { 'decay_ca': random.uniform(10.,500.), 'rho_ca': random.uniform(1e-5,10.), 'p__tau': random.uniform(MIN_TAU, MAX_TAU/5), 'p__scale': random.uniform(MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE), 'p__mdp': random.uniform(MIN_MDP, MAX_MDP), 'q__tau': random.uniform(MIN_TAU, MAX_TAU/5), 'q__scale': random.uniform(-MAX_SCALE, -MIN_SCALE), 'q__mdp': random.uniform(MIN_MDP, MAX_MDP), 'n__tau': random.uniform(MAX_TAU/5, MAX_TAU), 'n__scale': random.uniform(MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE), 'n__mdp': random.uniform(MIN_MDP, MAX_MDP), 'f__tau': random.uniform(MIN_TAU, MAX_TAU/5), 'f__scale': random.uniform(-MAX_SCALE, -MIN_SCALE), 'f__mdp': random.uniform(MIN_MDP, MAX_MDP), 'e__tau': random.uniform(MIN_TAU, MAX_TAU/5), 'e__scale': random.uniform(MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE), 'e__mdp': random.uniform(-30., 0.), 'h__alpha': random.uniform(0.1, 0.9), 'h__scale': random.uniform(-MAX_SCALE, -MIN_SCALE), 'h__mdp': random.uniform(1, 100), 'C_m': random.uniform(0.5, 40.), 'g_Ca': random.uniform(0.1, MAX_G), 'g_Ks': random.uniform(0.1, MAX_G), 'g_Kf': random.uniform(0.1, MAX_G), 'g_L': random.uniform(0.0001, 0.5), 'E_Ca': random.uniform(0., 40), 'E_K': random.uniform(-80, -40.), 'E_L': random.uniform(-80, -40.), } return collections.OrderedDict(sorted(rand_par.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
CONSTRAINTS = { 'decay_ca': [1e-1, np.infty], 'rho_ca': [1e-5, 100.], 'C_m': [5e-1, np.infty], 'e__scale': [MIN_SCALE, np.infty], 'e__tau': [MIN_TAU, np.infty], 'f__scale': [-np.infty, -MIN_SCALE], 'f__tau': [MIN_TAU, np.infty], 'g_Ca': [1e-5, MAX_G], 'g_Kf': [1e-5, MAX_G], 'g_Ks': [1e-5, MAX_G], 'g_L': [1e-5, MAX_G], 'h__alpha': [0, 1], 'h__scale': [-np.infty, -MIN_SCALE], 'n__scale': [MIN_SCALE, np.infty], 'n__tau': [MIN_TAU, np.infty], 'p__scale': [MIN_SCALE, np.infty], 'p__tau': [MIN_TAU, np.infty], 'q__scale': [-np.infty, -MIN_SCALE], 'q__tau': [MIN_TAU, np.infty] } CONSTRAINTS = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(CONSTRAINTS.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) DEFAULT_2 = { 'decay_ca': 110., 'rho_ca': 0.23, 'p__tau': 100., # ms 'p__scale': 7.43, # mV 'p__mdp': -8.05, # mV 'q__tau': 100., 'q__scale': -9.97, 'q__mdp': -15.6, 'n__tau': 1050., 'n__scale': 20., 'n__mdp': 2., 'f__tau': 301., 'f__scale': -20.03, 'f__mdp': 5.2, 'e__tau': 20., 'e__scale': 15., 'e__mdp': -6., 'h__alpha': 0.282, # None 'h__scale': -1., # mol per m3 'h__mdp': 302., 'C_m': 20.0, 'g_Ca': 3., 'g_Ks': 6.0, 'g_Kf': 0.07, 'g_L': 0.005, 'E_Ca': 20.0, 'E_K': -60.0, 'E_L': -60.0 } DEFAULT = { 'decay_ca': 110., 'rho_ca': 0.23, 'p__tau': 100., # ms 'p__scale': 7.43, # mV 'p__mdp': -8.05, # mV 'q__tau': 150., 'q__scale': -9.97, 'q__mdp': -15.6, 'n__tau': 25., 'n__scale': 15.9, 'n__mdp': 19.9, 'f__tau': 151., 'f__scale': -5.03, 'f__mdp': 25.2, 'e__tau': 10., 'e__scale': 6.75, 'e__mdp': -3.36, 'h__alpha': 0.282, # None 'h__scale': -1., # mol per m3 'h__mdp': 6.42, 'C_m': 20.0, # membrane capacitance, in uF/cm$^2$ 'g_Ca': 3.0, # Calcium (Na) maximum conductances, in mS/cm$^2$ 'g_Ks': 10.0, 'g_Kf': 0.07, # Postassium (K) maximum conductances, in mS/cm$^2$ 'g_L': 0.005, # Leak maximum conductances, in mS/cm$^2$ 'E_Ca': 20.0, # Sodium (Na) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV 'E_K': -60.0, # Postassium (K) Nernst reversal potentials, in mV 'E_L': -60.0 # Leak Nernst reversal potentials, in mV } DEFAULT = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(DEFAULT.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) DEFAULT_3 = { 'decay_ca': 110., 'rho_ca': 0.23, 'p__tau': 2.25518, #ms 'p__scale': 7.42636, #mV 'p__mdp': -8.05232, #mV 'q__tau': 149.963, 'q__scale': -9.97468, 'q__mdp': -15.6456, 'n__tau': 25.0007, 'n__scale': 15.8512, 'n__mdp': 19.8741, 'e__tau': 0.100027, 'e__scale': 6.74821, 'e__mdp': -3.3568, 'f__tau': 150.88, 'f__scale': -5.03176, 'f__mdp': 25.1815, 'h__alpha': 0.282, # None 'h__scale': -1., # mol per m3 'h__mdp': 6.42, 'E_K' : -60., 'E_Ca' : 40., 'E_L' : -50., 'C_m' : 1., 'g_Ca': 3., 'g_Ks': 3.0, 'g_Kf': 0.07, 'g_L': 0.005 } ALL = set(DEFAULT.keys())
[docs]class CElegansNeuron(model.BioNeuron): """Full Hodgkin-Huxley Model implemented for C. elegans""" REST_CA = REST_CA _ions = {'$Ca^{2+}$': -1} default_init_state = INIT_STATE """initial state for neurons : voltage, rates and $[Ca^{2+}]$""" default_params = DEFAULT """default parameters as a dictionnary""" _constraints_dic = CONSTRAINTS """constraints to be applied when optimizing""" def __init__(self, init_p=None, tensors=False, dt=0.1): model.BioNeuron.__init__(self, init_p=init_p, tensors=tensors, dt=dt) def _h(self, cac): """Channel gating kinetics. Functions of membrane voltage""" q = self._inf(cac, 'h') return 1 + (q - 1) * self._param['h__alpha'] def _i_ca(self, V, e, f, h): """Membrane current (in uA/cm^2) for Calcium""" return self._param['g_Ca'] * e ** 2 * f * h * (V - self._param['E_Ca']) def _i_kf(self, V, p, q): """Membrane current (in uA/cm^2) for Potassium""" return self._param['g_Kf'] * p ** 4 * q * (V - self._param['E_K']) def _i_ks(self, V, n): """Membrane current (in uA/cm^2) for Potassium""" return self._param['g_Ks'] * n * (V - self._param['E_K']) def _i_leak(self, V): """Membrane leak current (in uA/cm^2)""" return self._param['g_L'] * (V - self._param['E_L']) def _g_Ks(self, n): return self._param['g_Ks'] * n def _g_Kf(self, p, q): return self._param['g_Kf'] * p ** 4 * q def _g_Ca(self, e, f, h): return self._param['g_Ca'] * e ** 2 * f * h
[docs] def step(self, X, i_inj): V = X[self.V_pos] p = X[1] q = X[2] n = X[3] e = X[4] f = X[5] cac = X[-1] if self._tensors: i_inj.set_shape(V.get_shape()) h = self._h(cac) V = (V * (self._param['C_m']/self.dt) + (i_inj + self._g_Ca(e, f, h) * self._param['E_Ca'] + (self._g_Ks(n) + self._g_Kf(p, q)) * self._param['E_K'] + self._param['g_L'] * self._param['E_L'])) / \ ((self._param['C_m']/self.dt) + self._g_Ca(e, f, h) + self._g_Ks(n) + self._g_Kf(p, q) + self._param['g_L']) cac = (self._param['decay_ca'] / (self._param['decay_ca']+self.dt)) * (cac - self._i_ca(V, e, f, h)*self._param['rho_ca']) p = self._update_gate(p, 'p', V) q = self._update_gate(q, 'q', V) n = self._update_gate(n, 'n', V) e = self._update_gate(e, 'e', V) f = self._update_gate(f, 'f', V) if self._tensors: return tf.stack([V, p, q, n, e, f, cac], 0) else: return np.array([V, p, q, n, e, f, cac])
# def calculate_exc(self, i_inj): # X = [self._init_state] # for i in i_inj: # X.append(self.step_exc(X[-1], i)) # return np.array(X[1:])
[docs] def plot_results(self, ts, i_inj_values, results, ca_true=None, suffix="", show=True, save=False): """plot all dynamics Args: ts: i_inj_values: results: ca_true: (Default value = None) suffix: (Default value = "") show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) Returns: """ V = results[:, 0] p = results[:, 1] q = results[:, 2] n = results[:, 3] e = results[:, 4] f = results[:, 5] cac = results[:, 6] h = self._h(cac) ica = self._i_ca(V, e, f, h) ik = self._i_ks(V, n) + self._i_kf(V, p, q) il = self._i_leak(V) plt.figure() plt.subplot(5, 1, 1) plt.title('C.elegans Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron') if (V.ndim == 1): plt.plot(ts, V, 'k') else: plt.plot(ts, V) plt.ylabel('V (mV)') plt.subplot(5, 1, 2) if (ca_true is not None): plt.plot(ts, ca_true, 'Navy', linestyle='-.', label='real data') plt.legend() if (V.ndim == 1): plt.plot(ts, cac, 'r') else: plt.plot(ts, cac) plt.ylabel('[$Ca^{2+}$]') plt.subplot(5, 1, 3) plt.plot(ts, ica, RATE_COLORS['f'], label='$I_{Ca}$') plt.plot(ts, ik, 'm', label='$I_{K}$') plt.plot(ts, il, 'g', label='$I_{L}$') plt.ylabel('Current') plt.legend() plt.subplot(5, 1, 4) plt.plot(ts, p, RATE_COLORS['p'], label='p') plt.plot(ts, q, RATE_COLORS['q'], label='q') plt.plot(ts, n, RATE_COLORS['n'], label='n') plt.plot(ts, e, RATE_COLORS['e'], label='e') plt.plot(ts, f, RATE_COLORS['f'], label='f') plt.plot(ts, h, RATE_COLORS['h'], label='h') plt.ylabel('Gating Value') plt.legend() plt.subplot(5, 1, 5) plt.plot(ts, i_inj_values, 'b') plt.xlabel('t (ms)') plt.ylabel('$I_{inj}$ ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)') # plt.ylim(-1, 40) utils.save_show(show, save, name='Results_{}'.format(suffix), dpi=300)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_random(): """Returns a dictionnary of random parameters""" return give_rand()
[docs] @staticmethod def boxplot_vars(var_dic, suffix="", show=False, save=True): df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(var_dic) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) cols = [RATE_COLORS['n'], RATE_COLORS['n'], RATE_COLORS['f'], 'k'] box(df, cols, CONDS) plt.title('Conductances') plt.subplot(122) cols = ['b', RATE_COLORS['n'], RATE_COLORS['f'], 'k'] box(df, cols, MEMB) # plt.plot([DEFAULT[m] for m in MEMB], 'r', marker='*', linestyle='', markersize=10) plt.title('Membrane') utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}MEmbrane_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix).format(suffix), dpi=300) plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) box(df, ['#666666'], ['rho_ca']) plt.title('Rho_ca') plt.yscale('log') plt.subplot(212) box(df, ['#0000ff'], ['decay_ca']) # , 'b') plt.title('Decay_ca') plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}CalciumPump_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300) plt.figure() for i, type in enumerate(['mdp', 'scale', 'tau']): plt.subplot(3, 1, i + 1) plt.title(type) labels = ['{}__{}'.format(rate, type) for rate in RATE_COLORS.keys()] cols = RATE_COLORS.values() if (type == 'tau'): labels = ['h__alpha' if x == 'h__tau' else x for x in labels] plt.yscale('log') box(df, cols, labels) utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}Rates_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300)
[docs] @classmethod def plot_vars(cls, var_dic, suffix="evolution", show=False, save=True, func=utils.plot): """plot variation/comparison/boxplots of all variables organized by categories Args: var_dic: suffix: (Default value = "") show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) func: (Default value = plot) Returns: """ fig = plt.figure() grid = plt.GridSpec(2, 3) for nb in range(len(GATES)): gate = GATES[nb] cls.plot_vars_gate(gate, var_dic['{}__mdp'.format(gate)], var_dic['{}__scale'.format(gate)], var_dic['{}__tau'.format(gate)], fig, grid[nb], (nb % 3 == 0), func=func) cls.plot_vars_gate('h', var_dic['h__mdp'], var_dic['h__scale'], var_dic['h__alpha'], fig, grid[5], False, func=func) plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}Rates_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300) fig = plt.figure() grid = plt.GridSpec(1, 2) subgrid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(4, 1, grid[0], hspace=0.1) for i, var in enumerate(CONDS): ax = plt.Subplot(fig, subgrid[i]) func(ax, var_dic[var]) # ) ax.set_ylabel(var) if (i == 0): ax.set_title('Conductances') fig.add_subplot(ax) subgrid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(4, 1, grid[1], hspace=0.1) for i, var in enumerate(MEMB): ax = plt.Subplot(fig, subgrid[i]) func(ax, var_dic[var]) # ) ax.set_ylabel(var) if (i == 0): ax.set_title('Membrane') ax.yaxis.tick_right() fig.add_subplot(ax) plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}Membrane_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300) plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(211) func(ax, var_dic['rho_ca']) # , 'r') plt.ylabel('Rho_ca') plt.yscale('log') ax = plt.subplot(212) func(ax, var_dic['decay_ca']) # , 'b') plt.ylabel('Decay_ca') utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}CalciumPump_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix), dpi=300)
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_vars_gate(name, mdp, scale, tau, fig, pos, labs, func=utils.plot): """plot the gates variables Args: name: mdp: scale: tau: fig: pos: labs: func: (Default value = plot) Returns: """ subgrid = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(3, 1, pos, hspace=0.1) vars = [('Midpoint', mdp), ('Scale', scale), ('Tau', tau)] keys = ['mdp', 'scale', 'tau'] if name=='h': keys[-1] = 'alpha' for i, var in enumerate(vars): ax = plt.Subplot(fig, subgrid[i]) func(ax, var[1]) # , 'r') ax.set_xlabel([]) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) if (labs): ax.set_ylabel(var[0]) if (i == 0): ax.set_title(name) fig.add_subplot(ax)
[docs] @classmethod def study_vars(cls, p, suffix='', target=None, show=False, save=True): cls.plot_vars(p,, suffix='compared_%s'%suffix, show=show, save=save) cls.boxplot_vars(p, suffix='boxes_%s'%suffix, show=show, save=save) if p['C_m'].shape != (1,): corr = pd.DataFrame(p).corr() plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9)) # Generate a custom diverging colormap cmap = sns.diverging_palette(220, 10, as_cmap=True) # Draw the heatmap with the mask and correct aspect ratio sns.heatmap(corr, cmap=cmap, center=0, square=True, linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}) utils.save_show(show=show, save=save, name='{}Correlation_{}'.format(utils.NEUR_DIR, suffix))
# def comp(toto, curs): # import time # st = time.time() # v = toto.calculate_exc(curs)[:, 0] # print('explicit', time.time() - st) # plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(v) * toto.dt, toto.dt), v, 'r') # plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') # plt.ylabel('Voltage (mV)') # plt.title('Explicit solver, dt=%sms' % toto.dt) # st = time.time() # v = toto.calculate(curs)[:, 0] # print('implicit', time.time() - st) # plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(v) * toto.dt, toto.dt), v, 'g') # plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') # plt.ylabel('Voltage (mV)') # plt.title('Implicit-explicit solver, dt=%sms' % toto.dt) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('/home/marcus/Pictures/thesisreport/solversdt%s' % toto.dt, dpi=250) # plt.close() # # def step_exc(self, X, i_inj): # """Integrate and update voltage after one time step # # Args: # X(np.array or tensor): state vector # i_inj(np.array or tensor): input current # # """ # V = X[self.V_pos] # p = X[1] # q = X[2] # n = X[3] # e = X[4] # f = X[5] # cac = X[-1] # # h = self._h(cac) # V = V + ((i_inj - self._i_ca(V, e, f, h) - self._i_ks(V, n) - self._i_kf(V, p, q) - self._i_leak(V)) / # self._param[ # 'C_m']) * self.dt # # cac = cac + (-self._i_ca(V, e, f, h) * self._param['rho_ca'] - ( # (cac - self.REST_CA) / self._param['decay_ca'])) * self.dt # p = self._update_gate(p, 'p', V) # q = self._update_gate(q, 'q', V) # n = self._update_gate(n, 'n', V) # e = self._update_gate(e, 'e', V) # f = self._update_gate(f, 'f', V) # # if self._tensors: # return tf.stack([V, p, q, n, e, f, cac], 0) # else: # return np.array([V, p, q, n, e, f, cac]) # @staticmethod # def ica_from_v(X, v_fix, self): # e = X[1] # f = X[2] # cac = X[-1] # # h = self._h(cac) # tau = self._param['e__tau'] # e = ((tau * self.dt) / (tau + self.dt)) * ((e / self.dt) + (self._inf(v_fix, 'e') / tau)) # tau = self._param['f__tau'] # f = ((tau * self.dt) / (tau + self.dt)) * ((f / self.dt) + (self._inf(v_fix, 'f') / tau)) # ica = self._i_ca(v_fix, e, f, h) # cac += (-self._i_ca(v_fix, e, f, h) * self._param['rho_ca'] - ( # (cac - self.REST_CA) / self._param['decay_ca'])) * self.dt # # if self._tensors: # return tf.stack([ica, e, f, h, cac], 0) # else: # return [ica, e, f, h, cac] # # @staticmethod # def ik_from_v(X, v_fix, self): # p = X[1] # q = X[2] # n = X[3] # # tau = self._param['p__tau'] # p = ((tau * self.dt) / (tau + self.dt)) * ((p / self.dt) + (self._inf(v_fix, 'p') / tau)) # tau = self._param['q__tau'] # q = ((tau * self.dt) / (tau + self.dt)) * ((q / self.dt) + (self._inf(v_fix, 'q') / tau)) # tau = self._param['n__tau'] # n = ((tau * self.dt) / (tau + self.dt)) * ((n / self.dt) + (self._inf(v_fix, 'n') / tau)) # ik = self._i_kf(v_fix, p, q) + self._i_ks(v_fix, n) # # if self._tensors: # return tf.stack([ik, p, q, n], 0) # else: # return [ik, p, q, n] # # # def plots_ica_from_v(ts, V, results, name="ica", show=False, save=True): # """plot i_ca and Ca conc depending on the voltage # # Args: # ts: # V: # results: # name: (Default value = "ica") # show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) # save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) # # Returns: # # """ # ica = results[:, 0] # e = results[:, 1] # f = results[:, 2] # h = results[:, 3] # cac = results[:, -1] # # plt.figure() # # plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) # plt.title('Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron : I_ca from a fixed V') # plt.plot(ts, ica, 'b') # plt.ylabel('I_ca') # # plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) # plt.plot(ts, cac, 'r') # plt.ylabel('$Ca^{2+}$ concentration') # # plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) # plt.plot(ts, e, RATE_COLORS['e'], label='e') # plt.plot(ts, f, RATE_COLORS['f'], label='f') # plt.plot(ts, h, RATE_COLORS['h'], label='h') # plt.ylabel('Gating Value') # plt.legend() # # plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) # plt.plot(ts, V, 'k') # plt.ylabel('V (input) (mV)') # plt.xlabel('t (ms)') # # utils.save_show(show, save, name) # # # def plots_ik_from_v(ts, V, results, name="ik", show=True, save=False): # """plot i_k depending on the voltage # # Args: # ts: # V: # results: # name: (Default value = "ik") # show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) # save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) # # Returns: # # """ # ik = results[:, 0] # p = results[:, 1] # q = results[:, 2] # n = results[:, 3] # # plt.figure() # # plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) # plt.title('Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron : I_ca from a fixed V') # plt.plot(ts, ik, 'b') # plt.ylabel('I_k') # # plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) # plt.plot(ts, p, RATE_COLORS['p'], label='p') # plt.plot(ts, q, RATE_COLORS['q'], label='q') # plt.plot(ts, n, RATE_COLORS['n'], label='n') # plt.ylabel('Gating Value') # plt.legend() # # plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) # plt.plot(ts, V, 'k') # plt.ylabel('V (input) (mV)') # plt.xlabel('t (ms)') # # utils.save_show(show, save, name) # plt.close()