Source code for odynn.circuit

.. module:: circuit
    :synopsis: Module containing implementation of neural circuits objects

.. moduleauthor:: Marc Javin
import random

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import pylab as plt
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import ArrowStyle
import seaborn as sns

from . import utils, neuron
from .optim import Optimized

    'G': 0.2,
    'mdp': -30.,
    'scale': 2.,
    'E': 20.
    'G': 1.,
    'mdp': -50.,
    'scale': 5.,
    'E': -10.
    'G': 0.5,
    'mdp': -20.,
    'scale': 5.,
    'E': 10.
SYNAPSE_inhib = {
    'G': 0.5,
    'mdp': 0.,
    'scale': 10.,
    'E': -70.
SYNAPSE_inhib2 = {
    'G': 0.2,
    'mdp': -20.,
    'scale': -6.,
    'E': -80.
GAP = {'G_gap': 0.2}

SYN_VARS = list(SYNAPSE.keys())
GAP_VARs = list(GAP.keys())

MAX_SCALE = 100.
MIN_MDP = -60.
MAX_MDP = 50.
MIN_G = 1.e-7
MAX_G = 0.5

[docs]def give_constraints(conns): """Give constraints for synaptic parameters Args: conns(dict): dictionnary of chemical synapse parameters Returns: dict: constraints """ return {**give_constraints_syn(conns), **give_constraints_gap()}
[docs]def give_constraints_gap(): """Give constraints for gap junction parameters Returns: dict: constraints """ return {'G_gap': np.array([MIN_G, MAX_G])}
[docs]def give_constraints_syn(conns): """Give constraints for chemical synapse parameters Args: conns(dict): dictionnary of synapse parameters Returns: dict: constraints """ E_con = np.array([const_E(p['E'] > -60) for p in conns.values()]).transpose() return {'G': np.array([MIN_G, MAX_G]), 'scale': np.array([MIN_SCALE, np.infty]), 'E' : E_con}
[docs]def const_E(exc=True): if exc: return [-60, 50.] else: return [-120., -60.]
[docs]def get_syn_rand(exc=True): """Give random parameters dictionnary for a chemical synapse Args: exc(bool): If True, give an excitatory synapse (Default value = True) Returns: dict: random parameters for a chemical synapse """ # scale is negative if inhibitory if exc: E = random.uniform(-30., 50.) else: E = random.uniform(-100., -60.) return { 'G': random.uniform(MIN_G, MAX_G), 'mdp': random.uniform(MIN_MDP, MAX_MDP), 'scale': random.uniform(MIN_SCALE, MAX_SCALE), 'E': E }
[docs]def get_gap_rand(): """Give random parameters dictionnary for a gap junction Returns: dict: random parameters for a gap junction """ return {'G_gap' : random.uniform(MIN_G, MAX_G)}
VARS_SYN = list(SYNAPSE1.keys()) VARS_GAP = list(GAP.keys())
[docs]class Circuit: parameter_names = SYN_VARS + GAP_VARs """Circuit of neurons with synapses and gap junctions""" def __init__(self, neurons, synapses={}, gaps={}, tensors=False, labels=None, sensors=set(), commands=set()): self._tensors = tensors self._neurons = neurons self.sensors = sensors self.commands = commands self.inter = set(list(range(self._neurons.num))) - self.sensors - self.commands self.labels = labels if self.labels is None: self.labels = {i:i for i in range(neurons.num)} if isinstance(synapses, list) or isinstance(gaps, list): if gaps == {}: gaps = [{} for _ in range(len(synapses))] vars = VARS_SYN elif synapses == {}: synapses = [{} for _ in range(len(gaps))] vars = VARS_GAP else: vars = VARS_SYN + VARS_GAP if not isinstance(gaps, list) or not isinstance(synapses, list): raise AttributeError('Attributes conns and gaps should be of the same type') self._num = len(synapses) if len(gaps) != len(synapses): raise AttributeError('Attribute conns and gaps should have the same lengths, got {} and {}'.format(self._num, len(gaps))) inits_p = [] for i in range(self._num): # build dict for each circuit init_p = {var: np.array([p[var] for p in synapses[i].values()], dtype=np.float32) for var in VARS_SYN} init_gap = {var: np.tile(np.array([p[var] for p in gaps[i].values()], dtype=np.float32), 2) for var in VARS_GAP} init_p.update(init_gap) inits_p.append(init_p) # merge them all in a new dimension self._init_p = {var: np.stack([mod[var] for mod in inits_p], axis=1) for var in vars} neurons.parallelize(self._num) self.synapses = synapses[0] self.gaps = gaps[0] else: self._num = 1 self._init_p = {var : np.array([p[var] for p in synapses.values()], dtype=np.float32) for var in VARS_SYN} init_gap = {var : np.tile(np.array([p[var] for p in gaps.values()], dtype=np.float32), 2) for var in VARS_GAP} self._init_p.update(init_gap) self.synapses = synapses self.gaps = gaps self._init_state = self._neurons.init_state self.dt = self._neurons.dt self._param = self._init_p syns = list(zip(*[k for k in self.synapses.keys()])) gaps_c = list(zip(*[k for k in self.gaps.keys()])) if len(gaps_c)==0: gaps_c = [[], []] if len(syns)==0: syns = [[], []] self._pres = np.hstack((syns[0], gaps_c[0], gaps_c[1])).astype(np.int32) self._posts = np.hstack((syns[1], gaps_c[1], gaps_c[0])).astype(np.int32) self.n_synapse = len(syns[0]) self.n_gap = len(gaps_c[0]) self._param = self._init_p.copy() nb_neurons = len(np.unique(np.hstack((self._pres,self._posts)))) if nb_neurons != self._neurons.num: raise AttributeError("Invalid number of neurons, got {}, expected {}".format(self._neurons.num, nb_neurons)) @property def num(self): """Number of circuits contained in the object, used to train in parallel""" return self._num @property def neurons(self): """Neurons contained in the circuit""" return self._neurons @property def init_state(self): """(ndarray) Initial states of neurons""" return self._init_state def _gap_curr(self, vprev, vpost): G = self._param['G_gap'] return G * (vprev - vpost) def _syn_curr(self, vprev, vpost): """ Compute the synaptic current Args: vprev(ndarray or tf.Tensor): presynaptic voltages vpost(ndarray or tf.Tensor): postsynaptic voltages Returns: ndarray of tf.Tensor: synaptic currents """ G = self._param['G'] mdp = self._param['mdp'] scale = self._param['scale'] if self._tensors: g = G * tf.sigmoid((vprev - mdp) / scale) else: g = G / (1 + sp.exp((mdp - vprev) / scale)) return g * (self._param['E'] - vpost) def _inter_curr(self, vprev, vpost): if(self.n_synapse == 0): return self._gap_curr(vprev, vpost) elif(self.n_gap == 0): return self._syn_curr(vprev, vpost) if self.num > 1: syns = self._syn_curr(vprev[..., :self.n_synapse, :], vpost[..., :self.n_synapse, :]) gaps = self._gap_curr(vprev[..., self.n_synapse:, :], vpost[..., self.n_synapse:, :]) axis = -2 else: syns = self._syn_curr(vprev[..., :self.n_synapse], vpost[..., :self.n_synapse]) gaps = self._gap_curr(vprev[..., self.n_synapse:], vpost[..., self.n_synapse:]) axis = -1 if self._tensors: return tf.concat([syns, gaps], axis=axis) else: return np.concatenate((syns, gaps), axis=axis)
[docs] def step(self, hprev, curs): """run one time step For tensor : Args: hprev(ndarray or tf.Tensor): previous state vector curs(ndarray or tf.Tensor): input currents Returns: ndarray or tf.Tensor: updated state vector """ if self._tensors: # update synapses #curs : [batch, neuron(, model)] #hprev : [state, batch, neuron(, model)] -> [state, neuron, batch(, model)] # if use extra init parameters try: hprev, extra = hprev except: extra = None ndim = 3 if self._num == 1 else 4 perm_h = [0, 2, 1, 3][:ndim] perm_v = [1, 0, 2][:ndim-1] hprev_swap = tf.transpose(hprev, perm_h) idx_pres = np.stack((np.zeros(self._pres.shape, dtype=np.int32), self._pres), axis=1) idx_post = np.stack((np.zeros(self._pres.shape, dtype=np.int32), self._posts), axis=1) #[neuron, batch(, model)] -> [batch, neuron(, model)] vpres = tf.transpose(tf.gather_nd(hprev_swap, idx_pres), perm=perm_v) vposts = tf.transpose(tf.gather_nd(hprev_swap, idx_post), perm=perm_v) #voltage of the presynaptic cells curs_intern = self._inter_curr(vpres, vposts) # [batch, neuron(, model)] -> [neuron, batch(, model)] curs_intern = tf.transpose(curs_intern, perm=perm_v) curs_post = [] for i in range(self._neurons.num): # 0 synaptic current if no synapse coming in if i in self._posts: # [batch(, model)] current_in = tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather_nd(curs_intern, np.argwhere(self._posts == i)), axis=0) else: current_in = tf.reduce_sum(tf.zeros(tf.shape(curs)), axis=1) curs_post.append(current_in) final_curs = tf.add_n([tf.stack(curs_post, axis=1), curs]) try: h = self._neurons.step(hprev, final_curs) except: h = self._neurons.step(hprev, extra, final_curs) return h else: # update neurons h = self._neurons.step(hprev, curs) # if batch if h.ndim > 2 and self._num == 1 or h.ndim > 3 and self._num > 1: hs = np.swapaxes(h, 1, 2) vpres = np.swapaxes(hs[0, self._pres], 0, 1) vposts = np.swapaxes(hs[0, self._posts], 0, 1) curs_intern = np.swapaxes(self._inter_curr(vpres, vposts), 0, 1) else: # update synapses vpres = h[0, self._pres] vposts = h[0, self._posts] curs_intern = self._inter_curr(vpres, vposts) curs_post = np.zeros(curs.shape) if self._num > 1: curs_post = np.swapaxes(curs_post, -2, -1) for i in range(self._neurons.num): if i not in self._posts: curs_post[...,i] = 0 continue curs_post[...,i] = np.sum(curs_intern[self._posts == i], axis=0) if self._num > 1: curs_post = np.swapaxes(curs_post, -2, -1) return h, curs_post
[docs] def calculate(self, i_inj): """ Simulate the circuit with a given input current. Args: i_inj(ndarray): input current Returns: ndarray, ndarray: state vector and synaptical currents """ states = []#np.zeros((np.hstack((len(i_inj), self.neurons.init_state.shape)))) curs = []#np.zeros(i_inj.shape) h = self._neurons.init_state for t in range(len(i_inj)): if t == 0: h, c = self.step(h, curs=i_inj[t]) else: h, c = self.step(h, curs=i_inj[t] + curs[t - 1]) curs.append(c) states.append(h) return np.stack(states, axis=0), np.stack(curs, axis=0)
[docs] def plot(self, show=True, save=False): """ Plot the circuit using networkx Args: show(bool): If True, show the figure save(bool): If True, save the figure """ G = nx.MultiDiGraph() exc = 'green' inh = 'Crimson' gap = 'Gold' synplot = [(k[0], k[1], {'color': inh}) if v['E'] < -60 else (k[0], k[1], {'color': exc}) for k, v in self.synapses.items()] G.add_edges_from(synplot) G.add_edges_from([(k[0], k[1], {'color': gap}) for k in self.gaps.keys()]) G.add_edges_from([(k[1], k[0], {'color': gap}) for k in self.gaps.keys()]) G.graph['edge'] = {'arrowsize': '0.6', 'splines': 'curved'} pos = nx.layout.circular_layout(G) colors = [] for i in range(self._neurons.num): edges = G.out_edges(i, data='color') cols = [e[-1] for e in edges if e[-1] != gap] if cols == []: colors.append('c') else: colors.append(max(set(cols), key=cols.count)) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_shape='v', node_color=[colors[i] for i in self.sensors], nodelist=self.sensors, node_size=2000, alpha=1) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_shape='o', node_color=[colors[i] for i in self.inter], nodelist=self.inter, node_size=2000, alpha=1) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, node_shape='H', node_color=[colors[i] for i in self.commands], nodelist=self.commands, node_size=2000, alpha=1) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, self.labels, font_color='white', font_weight='bold') edges_exc = [e for e in G.edges if G[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]]['color'] == exc] edges_inh = [e for e in G.edges if G[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]]['color'] == inh] edges_gap = [e for e in G.edges if G[e[0]][e[1]][e[2]]['color'] == gap] style = ArrowStyle("wedge", tail_width=2., shrink_factor=0.2) styleg = ArrowStyle("wedge", tail_width=0.6, shrink_factor=0.4) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrowstyle=style, edgelist=edges_exc, edge_color='Chartreuse', arrowsize=10, alpha=1, width=1) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrowstyle=style, edgelist=edges_inh, edge_color='red', arrowsize=10, alpha=0.4, width=1) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrowstyle=styleg, edgelist=edges_gap, edge_color=gap, arrowsize=10, alpha=1, width=0.1, style='dotted') plt.axis('off') utils.save_show(show, save, name='Circuit')
[docs] def plot_output(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._neurons.plot_output(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plots_output_mult(self, ts, i_inj, states, i_syn=None, suffix="", show=True, save=False, l=1, trace=True): """plot multiple voltages and Ca2+ concentration Args: ts(ndarray): time sequence i_inj(ndarray): input currents states(ndarray): series of neural states i_syn(ndarray, optional): synaptic currents (Default value = None) suffix(str, optional): Suffix for the file name (Default value = "") show(bool, optional): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) save(bool, optional): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) """ meas = [states[:, self._neurons.V_pos]] for i in self._neurons.ions.values(): meas.append(states[:, i]) if (states.ndim > 3): meas = [np.reshape(m, (m.shape[0], -1)) for m in meas] if trace: plt.figure() n_plots = len(self._neurons.ions) + 2 if (i_syn is not None): n_plots += 1 plt.subplot(n_plots, 1, 3) plt.plot(ts, i_syn, linewidth=l) plt.xlabel('t (ms)') plt.ylabel('$I_{syn}$ ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)') plt.subplot(n_plots, 1, 1) plt.plot(ts, meas[self._neurons.V_pos], linewidth=l) plt.title('Circuit simulation') plt.ylabel('Voltage (mV)') leg = plt.legend(self.labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), handlelength=0.2) for legobj in leg.legendHandles: legobj.set_linewidth(3.0) for i, ion in enumerate(self._neurons._ions.keys()): plt.subplot(n_plots, 1, 2+i) plt.plot(ts, meas[i+1], linewidth=l) plt.ylabel('[{}]'.format(ion)) plt.subplot(n_plots, 1, n_plots) if (i_inj.ndim < 2): plt.plot(ts, i_inj, 'b') else: plt.plot(ts, i_inj) plt.xlabel('t (ms)') plt.ylabel('$I_{inj}$ ($\\mu{A}/cm^2$)') utils.save_show(show, save, 'Output_%s' % suffix, dpi=250) sns.heatmap(meas[self._neurons.V_pos].transpose(), yticklabels=self.labels.values(), cmap='jet', xticklabels=False) plt.title('Membrane potentials (mV)') plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') plt.ylabel('Neuron') utils.save_show(show, save, 'Voltage_%s' % suffix, dpi=250)
# sns.heatmap(Cacs.transpose(), yticklabels=self.labels, cmap='RdYlBu_r', xticklabels=False) # plt.title('Calcium concentrations') # plt.xlabel('Time (ms)') # plt.ylabel('Neuron') # utils.save_show(show, save, 'Calcium_%s' % suffix, dpi=250)
[docs]class CircuitTf(Circuit, Optimized): """ Circuit using tensorflow """
[docs] def __init__(self, neurons, synapses={}, gaps={}, labels=None, sensors=set(), commands=set()): """ Args: labels: synapses(dict): initial parameters for the synapses neurons(NeuronModel): if not None, all other parameters except conns are ignores """ Optimized.__init__(self, dt=neurons.dt) Circuit.__init__(self, neurons=neurons, synapses=synapses, gaps=gaps, tensors=True, labels=labels, sensors=sensors, commands=commands) if self._num > 1: constraints_dic = give_constraints(synapses[0]) #update constraint size for parallelization self.constraints_dic = dict( [(var, np.stack([val for _ in range(self._num)], axis=val.ndim)) if val.ndim > 1 else (var, val) for var, val in constraints_dic.items()]) else: self.constraints_dic = give_constraints(synapses)
[docs] @classmethod def create_random(cls, n_neuron, syn_keys={}, gap_keys={}, n_rand=10, dt=0.1, labels=None, sensors=set(), commands=set(), fixed=(), groups=None, neurons=None): if neurons is None: neurons = neuron.BioNeuronTf(n_rand=n_neuron, dt=dt, fixed=fixed, groups=groups) synapses = [{k: get_syn_rand(v) for k, v in syn_keys.items()} for _ in range(n_rand)] gaps = [{k: get_gap_rand() for k in gap_keys} for _ in range(n_rand)] return cls(neurons, synapses, gaps, labels, sensors, commands)
def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state['neurons'] = self._neurons.__getstate__().copy() del state['_param'] del state['_constraints'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._param = {} self._constraints = {} self._neurons.__setstate__(state['neurons']) @property def init_params(self): """(dict), initial model parameters""" if self._neurons.trainable: return {**self._init_p, **self._neurons.init_params} else: return self._init_p @init_params.setter def init_params(self, value): self._init_p = {v: value[v] for v in self.parameter_names} # TODO : test if self._init_p[self.parameter_names[0]].ndim == 1: self._num = 1 else: self._num = self._init_p[self.parameter_names[0]].shape[-1] for k, v in self._init_p.items(): if k in SYN_VARS and len(v) != len(self.synapses): raise ValueError('The shape of the parameters doesn\'t match the object structure') if k in GAP_VARs and len(v) != 2 * len(self.gaps): raise ValueError('The shape of the parameters doesn\'t match the object structure') # print('params', self._neurons.parameter_names) self._neurons.init_params = value @property def variables(self): if self._neurons.trainable: return {**self._param, **self._neurons.variables} else: return self._param
[docs] def reset(self): """prepare the variables as tensors, prepare the constraints, call reset for self._neurons""" self._param = {} self._constraints = [] for var, val in self._init_p.items(): self._param[var] = tf.get_variable(var, initializer=val, dtype=tf.float32) if var in self.constraints_dic: # add dimension for later con = self.constraints_dic[var] self._constraints.append(tf.assign(self._param[var], tf.clip_by_value(self._param[var], con[0], con[1]))) self._neurons.reset() self._init_state = self._neurons.init_state
[docs] def build_graph(self, batch=1): tf.reset_default_graph() self.reset() xshape = [None] initializer = self._init_state.astype(np.float32) xshape.append(None) initializer = np.stack([initializer for _ in range(batch)], axis=1) self._neurons.init(batch) xshape.append(self._neurons.num) print("num neurons : ", self._neurons.num) if self._num > 1: xshape.append(self._num) # if self.parallel is not None: # xshape.append(self.parallel) extra_state = self._neurons.hidden_init_state curs_ = tf.placeholder(shape=xshape, dtype=tf.float32, name='input_current') infer_shape = True if extra_state is not None: initializer = (initializer, extra_state) infer_shape = False res = tf.scan(self.step, curs_, infer_shape=infer_shape, initializer=initializer) if extra_state is not None: res = res[0] return curs_, res
[docs] def calculate(self, i): """ Iterate over i (current) and return the state variables obtained after each step Args: i(ndarray): input current, [time, batch, neuron, model] Returns: ndarray: state vectors concatenated [i.shape[0], len(self.init_state)(, i.shape[1]), self.num] """ if i.ndim > 1 and self._num == 1 or i.ndim > 2 and self._num > 1: input_cur, res_ = self.build_graph(batch=i.shape[1]) else: input_cur, res_ = self.build_graph() with tf.Session() as sess: results =, feed_dict={ input_cur: i }) return results
[docs] def settings(self): """ Returns(str): string describing the object """ return ('Circuit optimization'.center(20, '.') + '\n' + 'Chemical connections : \n %s' % (self.synapses.keys()) + '\n' + 'Gap junctions : \n %s' % self.gaps.keys() + '\n' + 'Synaptic constraints : %s' % self.constraints_dic + '\n' + 'Initial synaptic params : %s' % self._init_p + '\n' + self._neurons.settings())
[docs] def apply_constraints(self, session): """ Apply the constraints and call the `apply_constraints` function of the neurons Args: session: tensorflow session """ self._neurons.apply_constraints(session)
[docs] def apply_init(self, session): self._neurons.apply_init(session)
[docs] def study_vars(self, p, loss=None, show=False, save=True): self.plot_vars(p,, suffix='compared', show=show, save=save) self.plot_vars(p,, suffix='boxes', show=show, save=save) if self._neurons.trainable: p_n = {var: val for var, val in p.items() if var in self._neurons.init_params.keys()} if self._num == 1: self._neurons.study_vars(p_n, suffix='All neurons', show=show, save=save) else: for i in range(self._neurons.num): self._neurons.study_vars({var: val[i] for var, val in p_n.items()}, suffix=self.labels[i], show=show, save=save)
[docs] def plot_vars(self, var_dic, suffix="", show=True, save=False, func=utils.plot): """plot variation/comparison/boxplots of synaptic variables Args: var_dic(dict): synaptic parameters, each value of size [time, n_synapse, parallelization] suffix: (Default value = "") show(bool): If True, show the figure (Default value = True) save(bool): If True, save the figure (Default value = False) func: (Default value = plot) """ def oneplot(var_d, name, labels): if func == varl = {k: v for k, v in var_d.items() if k in labels} df = pd.DataFrame(varl) print(df) func(df, utils.COLORS[:len(labels)], labels) else: for i, var in enumerate(labels): ax = plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1) func(ax, var_d[var]) plt.ylabel(var) plt.tight_layout() utils.save_show(show, save, name='{}{}_{}'.format(utils.SYN_DIR, name, suffix), dpi=300) if (self._num > 1): dim = var_dic['E'].ndim # if parallelization, compare run on each synapse for i, name in enumerate(self.synapses.keys()): labels = ['G', 'mdp', 'E', 'scale'] #if data with optimization steps if dim > 2: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][:,i] for l in labels} #if final result else: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][i] for l in labels} oneplot(var_d, 'Synapse_{}-{}'.format(self.labels[name[0]], self.labels[name[1]]), labels) for i, name in enumerate(self.gaps.keys()): labels = ['G_gap'] if dim > 2: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][:,i] for l in labels} else: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][i] for l in labels} oneplot(var_d, 'Gap_junc_{}-{}'.format(self.labels[name[0]], self.labels[name[1]]), labels) if self._neurons.trainable: for i in range(self._neurons.num): if dim > 2: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][:, i] for l in self._neurons.init_params.keys()} else: var_d = {l: var_dic[l][i] for l in self._neurons.init_params.keys()} self._neurons.plot_vars(var_d, suffix='evolution_%s' % self.labels[i], show=show, save=save) else: # if not, compare all synapses together if len(self.synapses) != 0: oneplot(var_dic, 'All_Synapses', ['G', 'mdp', 'E', 'scale']) if len(self.gaps) != 0: oneplot(var_dic, 'All_gaps', ['G_gap']) if self._neurons.trainable: self._neurons.plot_vars(var_dic, suffix='evolution_all', show=show, save=save)